Wendy Jenkins

Founding Principal, Family Law Accredited Specialist

Wendy Jenkins


Wendy is an Accredited Family Law Specialist with extensive experience in all areas of family law. She applies her detailed understanding and knowledge of the law in a practical way to achieve negotiated settlements and provide high level representation for clients in Court proceedings.

Wendy has particular expertise in the accounting and legal aspects of complex financial matters. She is committed to providing her clients with practical and innovative solutions in implementing settlements involving business structures and trusts.

Wendy also acts in complex children's matters including acting for grandparents and same sex couples. With a focus on empowering her clients and keeping them informed at all stages of their matter, Wendy has a reputation for professionalism and empathy. Wendy practises exclusively in family law in both marriages and de facto relationships and assists clients at the start of relationships, during relationships and after separation. She advises and represents people in all areas of family law including:

  • Property and financial matters
  • Companies, partnerships and trust structures
  • Children's issues
  • Child support and spousal maintenance
  • Superannuation, including self-managed superannuation funds
  • Bankruptcy
  • Divorce

Wendy has also undertaken advanced training in Collaborative Law.


  • Law Institute of Victoria Accredited Specialist – Family Law
  • Bachelor of Laws – Monash University
  • Bachelor of Economics (majoring in accounting) – Monash University


  • Law Institute of Victoria – Family Law Section
  • Law Council of Australia – Family Law Section


Telephone: 03 8672 5222
Office Address: Level 3, 224 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000
Email: wendy.jenkins@blackwoodfamilylawyers.com.au

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Thank you so much, Wendy. I was truly impressed with your professionalism and caring nature. Yes, you are straight to the point and tough. I guess you have to be that way to handle these things and that is my view.

I want to write an appreciating comment in your website and recommend you and the firm to anyone who needs your professional service. Once again thank you so much for all your help and hope to come and say hello to you when everything is sorted.

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